
Real Estate Investors

Real Estate Investors come in many forms ranging from professional Corporations/Companies/LLC’s [GRGP], LLP, or Sole-Proprietors (Individuals/Landlords) who invest in real estate property.

Investment in Real Estate has various overlapping circles of investing ranging from partial to whole purchase, ownership, and/or management of real estate.

There are various Real Estate Investor Models.

Flipping Investors are short/near-term investors who buy as low as possible, fix-it, and sell for a quick profit.

Buy-Hold Investors [GRGP] have a long term Buy/Hold/Rental strategy, which normally facilitates the presentation of fair market offers as the investment strategy is long term.

Paper Investors [GRGP] buy Performing and/or Non-Performing Notes for Real Property.

Go Realty Go Property (GRGP) is a Buy and Hold (Buy-Hold) and Paper Investment Investor of Real Estate within the state of Colorado.